Domestic Violence transcends all racial groups, socio-economic backgrounds, religions, genders and age groups alike... with none of us being exempt from the very real threat of predators and the predatory behavior that goes along with the monstrosity of human attributes of those posessing the insatiable appetite to disrupt, oppress, subjugate, and subsequently harm all in their paths, so as to procure their own aim of narcissistic supply.
So many of us are taken aback as we are forced to endure the relentless nature of attacks, divisions, economic and even social and psysiological harm from those who've sworn to love and protect us.
The act of violence is devastating. Not only to the direct targets of such abuses, but also to those friends and family members who care.
We here at OasisAgainstViolence chose this video to highlight the impact that violence has on an individual over the span of time, as they try to hold on to any sense of self within otherwise dystrophic and dysfunctional relationships.
I hope it acts a catalyst into the window of what the horror of violence does to all who venture to stay when, in their own best interest, they should leave.