Affirmations For Healing

We at OasisAgainstViolence believe that the journey to healing from destructive and dysfunctional Social and Intimate Partner Relationships begin with the internal messages and affirmations we hold on to and believe…For as believe, so we are. 

As such, we’ve constructed a self-progressive esteem building affirmation to help you know just how worthy and loved and deserving you are of engaging in healthy well natured progressive relationships with those that mean you well. 

I Come As One But Stand As Many 

I represent the pain and struggle of all those violence survivors who’ve come before me, but I also represent the redemption and healing journey toward self-love and recovery from violence and violent relationships from all who have survived them as well.

 I Know That I Am Not Alone

 While my specific circumstances might prove to encompass unique attributes, none of us are exempt from violence. I know that Domestic Violence transcends all cultural backgrounds, religious affiliations, sexual orientations, races and genders. 

I Know That I Receive What I Give Instead Of I Give What I Receive 

While I cannot control other’s behavior against me, I have the power to choose how I respond to negativity and the energy I give and respond to. I have the power to invoke my own emotional regulatory attributes at will, to protect my energy from predators or vampiric people and circumstances. I can choose to show up in the world and respond from my values, instead of my circumstances. 

I Have A Devine Right And Responsibility To Care For And Prioritize Myself And My Needs Before All Others 

I can’t care for others until I can first care for and show up for myself. I can’t do this from a place of lack. It is solely my responsibility to prioritize my spiritual, emotional, psycho-social and financial wellbeing prior to committing myself to anything or anyone else. For I know that I can only provide to others from my reserves instead of from where I am lacking. 

I Aren’t My Circumstances 

While I may have experienced negative, neglectful, abusive or otherwise harmful circumstances and relationships, I have the power to improve, progress and change the course of anything that doesn’t represent or honor my truest highest self...Always. I have the power to become. 

May you use these words as a source of encouragement in your darkest of circumstances to help you along your journey toward healing and releasing all those false attributes given to you by those who didn’t truly mean you you can be filled with the truth of who you are. 

And regardless of what you’ve been through, what you’ve done or what’s been done to you...YOU ARE WORTHY. 

If You Can’t Find The Love You Deserve...Become It.


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