Sexual Assault Awareness


As such, we at OasisAgainstViolence give our support...not only to all who have survived sexual violence and sexually violent relationships, but also toward our efforts in shining bright lights on what is deemed unacceptable vs. acceptable behavior regarding the societal norms surrounding sexuality and intimacy, in both our platonic and intimate relationships alike.

It is our hope that in bringing Awareness to what is, and likewise, what isn't sexual acceptance or consent in relationships, will help our readers recognize sexually defunct attitudes and behaviors, so as to keep ourselves, our loved ones, and ultimately, our communities safe.

Likewise, in our effort to spread the word, we've uploaded a few videos that dymystify the context surrounding the absence of consent.

We hope they serve as beacons of understanding toward a very complex and controversial societal we believe that sexual assault in any form, whether subtle or violent is never ok.


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