Personal Affirmation Of Survivor Rights

I Have A Devine Right to reject anyone and anything that hurts me. I do not have to remain loyal to people who treat me badly, people who use me, abuse me, lie to me, and have shown me that my needs within the relationship mean nothing to them.

I Have A Devine Right to Reject Bums and Breadcrumbs when I recognize them. For I know that I cannot attain true corporeal, emotional psycho-social, financial, or spiritual well being when I accept less than I deserve. 

I Have A Devine Right to choose values over carnality. While at times I might feel lonely and lacking, it is always in my best interest to think and act with integrity from my values instead of my circumstances.

I Have A Devine Right to show up in the world as my authentic self. Always. For I know that it is never wise to shrink myself or to acquiesce to people, places, and things that aren't truly aligned with who I am. I have the right to be me.

I Have A Devine Right to reject anything that isn't truly for me. I am privy to all there is to be had in healthy affirmative relationships with those who truly love me and mean me well. For what I seek is also seeking me. I need only to say no to everyone and everything that isn't it.

I Have A Devine Right to my own self expression. I know that I  aren't causing a problem when I speak up for myself or when I advocate for my needs within a relationship. I have a right to enact my own self preservation...Always.

I Have A Devine Right to heal. For I know that Domestic Violence and violent relationships can hurt in ways imperceptible and for me to show up in the world as the best version of myself, I need healthy vestiges to release negative emotions. I know that seeking therapy or engaging in constructive esteem building activities can help me heal the trauma and brokenness I might feel from dealing with dysfunctional, draining or otherwise abusive relationships.

I Have A Devine Right to ask for help. For just as I  was born of a family to strengthen my chances of survival, it has always been in my best interest to commune with others and to ask for help when I am struggling. I know that my only responsibility enlies in choosing healthy people and relationships over dysfunctional ones to help me on my life's journey.

I Have A Devine Right to trust myself and my intuitions. For I have come to know that I have my very own devinely ordained internal navigation system, designed for my protection from things not aligned with my truest highest self. I need only connect with it and harness it's wisdom and insights to distance myself from all things not in my favor.

I Have A Devine Right to give and receive love. I know that I wasn't created to be abused or misused in my relationships. For I am worthy of healthy nurturing connections that support my sense of wellbeing in the world. I know that LOVE DOES.

I Have A Devine Right to share my Domestic Violence story. For I know that when each one teach one, then together we reach one. I know that I have the power to help lift the stain of shame surrounding violence and violent relationships. I know that I can choose to become a vessel for good by using my experiences to strengthen and empower other survivors through education and affirmation. I know that we each of us can do our best to help ourselves and others heal as we learn and share so that we may live violence free. For I know THERE IS NO WAR IN LOVE.

May our OasisAgainstViolence Survivor Community use these affirmations to help you on your journey toward healing.


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