This week's affirmation reads - I Have A Devine Right to show up in the world as my authentic self. Always. For I know that it is never wise to shrink myself or to acquiesce to people, places, and things that aren't truly aligned with who I am. I have the right to be me.

It is only in the light of who we truly are, that we connect with the depth of the personal power we each of us has.

Abusive relationships and dystrophic social circles that don't really mean us well, embue us with the hidden, yet loudly rung messages that we are somehow unworthy or undeserved of well meaning  relationships and that we must somehow prove our worth and value for acceptance.

We might then always be made to face circumstances of subjugatio or have to pass under the yokes of others, in our effort to acquire some of the most primitive of human decencies, like honesty or integrity, human compassion or even fairness and equity, within such relationships - yet we never seem to make the cut do we....

This is because these types of relationships aren't designed to provide mutuality in benefit for us.

The true goal within them, that elude so many of us, is to groom and petition us to subconsciously adapt and acquiesce to subservience and demonishment to those who are vying for dominion over us.

Thing is, these types of people aren't qualified to do so.

They have no bearings to meet us where we are and, as an affirmative team, help improve the quality of the lives we live, as is proven the longer we stay with them.

At best, we bear witness to the strength of a mirage.

We become worn and torn and tattered, as our energy reserves and life force, and even our resources are consumed without replenish.

It is deceptive in nature and a trick of the light of our own truth that we must prove our value to someone else. For aren't we each of us human just the same....

Likewise, within the clutches of violent, divisive, and dystrophic relationships, the veil of confusion and dissonance can be so heavy on us, that we lose sight of our own delights of truth, and in our aim to be wanted and chosen by others, instead of choosing ourselves, we accept the false belief that our human meaning and value is to be found outside of ourselves.

And there enlies the never ending journey of our aim in trying to find ourselves and our worth based on the projections of others, as we start to see ourselves through the lenses of rejection and dissuasion.

We shrink and shape shift and enclose the very best of who we are, so as to fit into worlds of falsity given to us by the very same people who, unbeknownst to us, at least initially, seek to harm us.

WE ARE WORTHY...On the strength of who we are...WE ARE EACH OF US WORTHY.

As such, we have the Devine Right to show up in the world as who we really are, so as to connect with the people and places and things that are truly for us, as opposed to living our lives from surface or nominal connections based on the false projections from others, or even those we impose on ourselves to fit into vestiges where we don't belong.

In walking in the truth of who we are, we have the chance to develop genuine relationships with people who share the very same values we do, and best of all, with those who like us for all that we really are.

It is never wise to acquiesce to things that are disaligned with our innermost convictions and attributes.

We must stand firm in who we are. 

Then and only then, will we align with what is truly ours to have.

Be You, For You...Always.


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