Learning To Say No

This week's affirmation reads - I Have A Devine Right to reject anything that isn't truly for me. I am privy to all there is to be had in healthy affirmative relationships with those who truly love me and mean me well. For what I seek is also seeking me. I need only to say no to everyone and everything that isn't it.

So much of the esteem we hold for ourselves is tied into the experiences we both accept and invite into the most sacred vestiges of our social circles.

When we settle for less than we deserve, we usually receive even less than what we settled for.

For whether we realize it or we don't, there is no single or unitary worldly experience or reality to be had as we walk our earthly journey.

And instead, like the solutions to some of our most pressing phenomena, there is a variation of people and worlds and realities and even lifestyles alike, that can serve to catalyze and help us to bring forth the very best of who we are, so as to experience the joys of life.

Likewise, when we are maligned with folks who use us, abuse us, hurt us, or who otherwise have aim to drag us down, we don't have the chance to experience such pleasantries.

Our world and all in it becomes a doomy and gloomy unyielding revolving door of pain and suffering.

We weren't created to serve as the emotional or  visceral, physiological, or spiritual dumpsters of others maladaptive behaviors towards us.

And each and all of us are privy to all there is to be had in relationships with folks who mean us well.

Thing is, for so many reasons, we mightn't believe ourselves worthy of such goodness, and instead of reaching higher within the attributes of our social groups, we accept and settle for low quality experiences, that within time, are almost always sure to diminish the affirmative qualities we ourselves have.

In holding on to the things that don't serve us well, we entangle the vestiges of our lives with things that aren't truly for us, thus lessening the chances to align with the people and places and things that are.

For what we each of us are seeking is also seeking us, we need only reject all adversities to the authenticity of our truest, highest, selves, so as to connect with it.

Most victims of violence have been imbued with the falsity that pain and betrayal, infidelity and deceptions committed against us, both small and large, within our social circles, whether platonic, intimate or familial alike, are all attributes of love...and this then becomes our love language.

And in building up tolerances from other people's infractions against us, we are made to hold dissonant beliefs.

Wrong then becomes right, bad, good and the never ending cycle of degradation and devaluation as we face the ups and downs within dystrophic relationships enforce these lies of dysfunction until we learn to say no to all the ties that bind us in unhealthy circumstances, so as to adapt new and improved, healthier ways of living.

For we have a devine right to say no to all that isn't truly for us, so that we may share the best of who we are with those who are deserving of the affirmative attributes we bring into our relationships.

We here at OASISAGAINSTVIOLENCE challenge you all to observe with introspective prudence the quality of your social circles to determine their level of alignment with your intimate, personal, professional and platonic goals and objectives, so as to discern their fittedness of your innermost convictions and values.

You have the omnipotence to say no to all that isn't truly aligned with who you are.

May you use it always, so as to build the quality of life you deserve.

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