This week's affirmation reads - I have a Devine Right to my own self expression. I know that I aren't causing a problem when I speak up for myself or advocate for my needs within a relationship. I have a right to enact my own self preservation...always.
When we behave or act from the expectations, projections and demands of others, we lose the most valuable attributes of ourselves in the process.
For oppression and subjugation within violent relationships, causes both suppression and depression, whereby we mightn't feel safe enough within the confines of dysfunction to freely express ourselves, especially when our boundaries have been infringed or encroached upon.
The burden is never on others to protect our self- interests, well-being and self-preservation.
It is always ours to be had.
In fact OASISAGAINSTVIOLENCE believes it quite unwise to do so.
So many of us have been imbued with the falsities that the keys to our own salvation is somehow mystified within the scope of the people, places, and things outside of ourselves.
We lose sight of the fact that irregardless to what we've been told, or what we've done, or even what's been done to us, we are connected to all there is to manifest our own self preservation... Always.
For dystrophic and malevolent relationships can make us feel that our dysfunction detectors are somehow broken or that we shouldn't trust our intuitions or introspections on the circumstances we face.
This is dangerous, as ignoring red flags, and even those slight hints of unhealthy behavioral attributes observed within our social circles, can prove quite harmful or even deadly, as the relationship progresses, if we don't utilize our power of decision making regarding our wellbeing when we need to.
We must OBSERVE...CONFIRM...and ACT. Always.
For we have the Devine Right to save ourselves.
It only causes a problem to speak up and protect both our boundaries and our humanness with those who DON'T TRULY MEAN US WELL.
Just as in the animal kingdom, all who reach ascribed levels of maturity, are imbued with the facilities of enacting their own self-care.
So also shall we.
Likewise, affirmative relationships aren't to be given...They should be earned.
They should also encompass the attributes of mutual benefit.
For we never have to sacrifice who we are to vye for the approval of others.
In advocating for and presenting the authenticity of who we are in the world, we don't only have greater aim of connecting with like- valued people, but we likewise have a far better chance of getting our psycho-social, psysiological, emotional, and spiritual needs met as well.
Show Up...Show Out...and Show You, so that you may develop relationships with people whose aim is in reciprocating with you affirmative, and most of all, healthy relationship qualities.