This week's affirmation reads -  I have a divine right to trust myself and my intuition. For I have come to know that I have my very own divinely ordained internal navigation system, designed for my protection from things not aligned with my truest, highest self. I need only connect with it and harness its wisdom and insights to distance myself from all things not in my favor.

In our effort to survive hostility and violence from our intimate relationships, we learn that we aren't privy to express the very nature of the people and circumstances that hurt us.

 In turn, we shut down from the stimuli of facing circumstances that are traumatizing, harmful and derogatory towards us, and in doing so, we impair not only our red - flag detectors and judgments relative to the safeness of a circumstance or person, but we likewise diffuse the strength of future signals of imminent danger, making us highly susceptible to violence, exploitation and the dangers involved in being entangled in unhealthy and dysfunctional relationships.

Our saving grace then, lies within the whispers, both soft and loud, that tell us when a circumstance isn't safe or within our best interest.

It then isn't only our job, but our self-preservatory duty, to listen and take action where necessary to avoid the sting of malevolence, dysfunction and degradation from unhealthy people and dystrophic circumstances.

For we each of us have our very own divinely ordained connection to an abundance of universal wisdom, designed for both our greatest good and our protection.

We need only utilize it to help us as we walk our earthly journey.

It is always in our best interest to trust our intuitions, introspections and likewise, the signals of dissonance and confusion we receive from things that aren't aligned with our greater good.

We are deserving of unconditional love and of developing healthy relationships that don't hurt or seek to exploit us...Always.

And they are always within our reach. 

We need only reject low quality lifestyles so as to connect with the divine gifts of social circles of folks just like us, who share the same values we do.

And while it certainly proves a challenge for  survivors to overcome the destructive internal messages of undeservedness, fallibility, and an inherent unworthiness of the joys to be had in healthy social structures, learning healthy ways to relate in our relationships is always ours to be had, if only we are brave enough to seek it.

Even survivors who've faced long-withstanding subjugation, habitually destructive grooming and violent circumstances can start anew and build healthy lifestyles and friendships or intimate partner relationships of quality and affirmative communion.

What we believe, and feel, and are likewise experiencing at the hands of those who've harmed us, is real, and we should never allow anyone to sow the self - destructive seeds of doubt that confine us to lives of oppression, subjugation, and maladaption to exploitation and abuses.

For when we do, we adulterate the very fabric of who we are, along  with our divinely ordained introspections that protect us from those unhealthy and unworthy of sharing the intimate vestiges of our lives with.

And as we learn to reject dysfunctional circumstances, we strengthen our sensory resolve in recognizing both the external and internal signs of dystrophy and dysfunctionality, essentially reconnecting with ourselves in ways that serve to protect us from things designed to harm us.

We are strong...we are worthy...and most of all, we are survivors - survivors divinely equipped with our very own wealth of wisdom designed to help us live violence free. 

May we use it always in our aim to live our best lives.

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