Just as in hunter-gatherer societies, where targeted aim lie within the deep vestiges of group or collective efforts to procure necessity of resource, so too does the narcissist, abuser, and inflator of violence, both intimate and platonic alike, to ensure their successive rein of victimization and terror, suppression, oppression and ultimately, subjection of all who they seek to exploit.
Collective violence is any and all acts of violence perpetrated against someone by a group with either socio-political or personal aim, to inflict harm or injury.
Flying Monkeys
As a favorite tool of abusers, flying monkeys are frequently used to terrorize and groom victims into compliance, by both inundating them with, and enforcing cruel and turbulent dysfunctional values, with aim of keeping them trapped within harmful relationships.
Abusers might also use flying monkeys as triangulation hubs to both invoke terroristic vestiges of war onto targets, while also using them to help "primary abusers" keep track of a target's personal life details, for the purposes of gaining and keeping dominion over them, or even as communicatory means of harming them later on.
Exploitative Groups And Organized Crime Syndicates
Criminal groups such as in organized crime syndicates, sex traffickers, extortioners, or even those involved in pedophilia or pedophile rings, use means of collective violence to instill fear, through the constant provocation and unwavering incitation of violence, whether in the form of micro or macro aggressions, in an effort to subjugate and win by sheer force, compliance from targets to oppress and exploit.
It should be noted that the detection of, and aim in seeking refuge from all such collectively violent syndicates or groups, prove quite difficult, as the extent of harm caused by these groups, as well as their far spanning territorial reach, frequently serve to unanimously disarm any and all defense mechanisms within their targets, by use of repeated and frequent acts of violence waged against them.
This might look like the culmination of financial exploitation and economic abuses, that prevent the victim from procuring the necessary resources to maintain their own safety and security in the world, frequent and repeated acts of sabotage, and even the brutality of torture and terror, seeking to undermine the self-preservatory attributes a victim would normally enact to protect themselves from danger or harm.
Cult Violence
Unbeknownst to most of us, cults and militia style groups, with social socio-political aim in harming an individual or group of individuals on a grand scale unsuspectingly, might use sensory appeal to lure victims into harmful groups with aim to harm them in the future, by way of perverting or inverting both their world-views and self-perceptions.
The primary theme within such groups, is to confuse, distort, and best of all, to totally avert the traditional beliefs and self-defining mores held by victims, as an unwavering methodical means of behavior and perceptual reformation, designed to garner complete control within the relationship, whether clandestinely or in secret, by using an array of beguile and force, as a primary means of procuring dominion over a victim's thinking, actions, and even their resources, so as to exploit them in some way.
Most exploitative cult leaders are usually armed and equipped with charismatic and amicable charm, used to lure in their targets of prey.
And while these groups usually have a higher number of victims than the average "cult of two" relationships, as defined in primitive fashion within intimate and domestically violent one-to-one relationships, the basic premise is always the same, in that victims are subjected to frequent and unusual ritualistically abusive behaviors and rhetoric within the relationship to garner some type of narcissistic supply from them.
The Primary Tenants Of Cult Collective Violence Include
Keeping victims unaware of what is going on or how they are being changed, or groomed, or even harmed within the relationship by means of clandestinity or deceptive secrets.
Controlling the victim's environment and their time by inundating them in matrices where they are made to interact with, or commune only with other members of the group, so as to reinforce "group think" ideologies, or to sway or control their stimuli, and thus their responsive reflexes within the "world" around them.
Systematically creating a sense of helplessness and powerlessness in the victim, by thwarting all efforts to gain and keep their own measures of independence and survival, by inflicting onto them a mix of acute and severe, financial and economic, psycho-social, physiological, and even spiritual warfares, to keep the victim trapped within the relationship.
Creating systems of negative and affirmative rewards and punishments to diminish the victim's former social identity, independence and autonomy outside of the relationship.
Manufacturing a closed system of logic and an authoritarian structure that doesn't permit feedback, question, or adversity, such as in fascist or communist type authoritarian models.
It should be noted that collective violence efforts almost always involve systemic financial devastation and economic abuses, coupled with both micro and macro aggressions, that serve to totally render victims defenseless against any and all violence being waged against them.
Further still, as victims are methodically detached from their family, friends and self-defining values, as well as their individual freedom and mechanisms of sustenance, the collectively violent group gains a greater degree of dominion over them, with violence and manipulation being used to get and keep power and control.
Collectively violent groups pose especially complex and distinct challenges for victims, as these types of abuses are on a one-to-many violence spectrum, with targets being subdued and harmed by an array of people seeking to exploit them in some way.
Likewise, these types of abuses prove far more difficult to break free from a proposed a one-to-one domestically violent relationship, as the victim is constantly being bombarded by any number of abusive group members, with variation and aim in severity to harm them.
Such violences waged against the unsuspecting and unprovocative, is one of the most disturbing, malevolent, and nefarious phenomena of our time, as it serves as the precipice of unfathomable suffering and subsequent harm by groups who seek untethered hegemony over the lives of others, posing significant risks and implications within the greater society at large.