Just as the performer in your favorite motion picture might be deserving of an oscar, espy, or academy award, so too might the perpetrator of violence, well clothed in clandestinity and dissimulation, marveling at the chance to wreak havoc in our lives.

As such, it is essential that we exercise the power of prudence when entering into new relationships, so as to lessen the risk of developing malevolent relationships with those who seek to exploit or harm us in ways that disrupt and diminish both the normalcy and quality of our wellbeing in the world.

For, most predatory people are adroitly talented in clothing themselves in the desirable attributes of affirmation, such that the nefarious aim they may have for us, is shroud in the valleys of subversion and distraction, making their behavior, at least initially, obscure while they carry out nefarious aim before we  have the chance to make the necessary determinations and assertions to untangle ourselves from the clutches of dysfunctionality, volatility,  socialized instability, and harm. 

We utilize the strength of  our personal power as well as the prudence of our quality of life decisions when we choose to congregate with well meaning people with whom it isn't considered a threat or challenge to enforce our boundaries or to express the authenticity of our most pressing beliefs and values.

For what a relief it is to know that healthy communal relationships relinquish us from having to deal with the sting of betrayal, deception, and violence.

As such, it is well within our power of prudence, through affirmation of character tests, to unveil theatrical attributes cloaked beneath malfeasance, to discover the veracity of what might be lurking beneath the surface of an abuser, predator, or otherwise disturbed character type, in our aim to protect ourselves from harm.

Sloughing off the people, and circumstances serving as hinderences toward our life's progressions, makes way for us to develop healthy and well-meaning relationships with those who are equipped to supply our needs with the same quality of fervor we supply therein, without the burden of sacrificial compromise.

Likewise,  in strengthening with prudence the audacity of  observing, affirming, and accepting the truths on display of those unhealthy relationship attributes witnessed in others, we save ourselves from so much of the heartache and pain, confusion and suffering we have to deal with, from those ravenous wolves dressed in sheep's clothing, seeking to devour.

We should always then, believe what we witness and observe, as opposed to romanticizing harmful attributes as a measure of revelation, made manifest, to help us accurately respond to unfavorable attributes from unfavorable people.

Perceiving the world through the lenses given to us within dysfunctional or predatory vestiges, always ends in disaster.

OASISAGAINSTVIOLENCE strongly believes in the power of prudence in determining unhealthy attributes both in ourselves, as well as in others, so we might make the adjustments necessary to develop sustaining healthy communal qualities, and thus healthy relationships.

And as we strengthen our introspective resolve, we also equip ourselves with the invaluable nuggets of wisdom, that just as our emotions, or "energies in emotion" might easily be manipulated as we view the tear jerkers, surprises, and even the joys of award winning big - screen fictions, so too might those feelings and perceptions we experience within the shadows of dysfunctional relationships, cloaked in harmless virtue.

So OASISAGAINSTVIOLENCE encourages our survivor community to utilize the power of prudence, in coming to know the strength of employing such a virtue, so that you might bask in the peaks of light to be had in developing high quality relationships so as to strengthen and improve the quality of your life's experiences.

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