There is none more notoriously known to reek unfathomable devastation and havoc in the lives of their targets, than DARK TRIAD PERSONALITY(DTP) types of abusers.

DTP predators have three distinct violence spectrum attributes, namely NARCISSISM, PSYCHOPATHY and MACHIAVELLIANISM, all wrapped up into an unearthing revelation of dangerous and even deadly consequences for all ensnared by them.

DARK TRIADS might include those involved in organized crime, such as pedophilia and human or drug trafficking rings, with some even having been found warehoused  as executives in the world of big business and law, as the exploitative characteristics of grandiosity, aggression and the win by all means - even at the demise of others, types of attitudes and behaviors prove highly revered or even admirable within these vestiges.

But make no mistake, these people are highly dangerous, with many survivors having had their lives destroyed by them in some of the most invasive and disturbing ways conceivable.




While almost all predators possess some level of narcissism, the levels of narcissism within Triad predators prove exacerbated, as the desire to get and keep power and control over a target provokes  them to engage in heinous cruelties, and acts of violence.

Likewise, Triad Narcissists are known to seek both excessive admiration and narcissistic supply at the total disregard for their behavioral affect on the outcomes of their target's lives and well-being, causing a whirlwind of destruction, shattered familial structures and divisions, as well as financial, and even sociological adverse health impacts that have proven so harmful, they take years, if ever, for the victim to recover, if they can even manage to disentangle themselves from these relationships.


Triads and psychopathic personality types are extreme, in that there isn't just a cold and often calculated desire to disrupt, divide, and deceive, so they have better aim in destroying their targets, but these types of predators usually show heightened spectrum attributes of violating the sovereignty and rights of others through acts of violence, intimidation, obstruction and financial devastation, such that targets suffer inconceivable harm.

Further, targets are almost always trapped and trauma bonded into these relationship through a series of negatively reinforced behavioral grooming methods, as maintaining target dominion through invoking fear by violence is their sole ambition, having no remorse or empathy for the harm they cause in the process, with some even sadistically enjoying and deriving pleasure from the harm they cause, especially if it allows them to get what they want in the process.

Likewise, for these types of predators, normal relational qualities, such as sexual intimacy are often weaponized leverages of victim submission and predator dominion to manipulate and garner narcissistic supply from targets. 

Psychopathic DTP's are also known to be dexteriously or adroitly talented liars and deceivers, making them superb conmen and fraudsters.

They may also have significant histories of violence and criminal activity, as they frequently display total disregard for the law or for structured and disciplined, or affirmative ways of socializing and living in the world.


The worst DTP attribute is frequently touted as machiavellianism, as the depth of manipulation these types of predators are willing to engage in to garner narcissistic supply is imperceptible.

Deeply sinister manipulators triangulate and weaponize facets of seemingly normal relational attributes, like communication, self-expression and preservation, and even close friendships and familial bonds, to lessen the chances of survivor well-being and channels of support, while increasing their chances of forced or harmful situational outcomes.

Likewise, hovering, spying and triangulated manipulation in aim of inflicting harm, become a normalized and deeply disturbing way of life for targets within machiavellian types of relationships.

Machiavellians are also known to induce and inflame conflicts between people or groups, such as Romeo and Juliet types of war mongering or concocting fallacious racial tensions and rivalries between groups with miniscule differentiation in values or objectives, to cause gladiator types of war or even death for their amuse.

These are also your terroristic types of predators, who in their unconscionable desire for power and control, might be connected to other powerful people and groups who might serve to help them in their reins of terror.

They may have untethered street gang, illicit law, and even shadowy political connections as well at their disposal.

Worse yet, machiavellians are known to function in covert and clandestine ways, frequently triangulating and using others to carry out their dirty deeds, making their harmful aim both stealthy and difficult to empirically or explicitly detect, observe and even subvert.

These people are extremely dangerous as they don't just possess these deranged qualities disjointed, but in union, proving them dangerously volatile.

We highly recommend that survivors seek help in disentangling themselves from them as lone efforts might prove futile in considering the nature  of such volatile behaviors.

Some of the worst crimes against humanity have all been carried out by Dark Triad types of people and groups.

People like Adolf Hitler, Stalin, Muammar Gaddafi, Jeffrey Dahmer, and even the TV personality from the hit show "Dexter" are all examples of machiavellian Dark Triad personality types.

They are calculating and crafty at cultivating destruction.

The best any of us can do if dealing with these types of people is to seek the help of people you can trust along with those who might specialize in this type of narcissistic abuse to help you survive them.

And as always -  when Each One Teach One In Union We Reach One in helping those suffering at the hands of Social And Domestic Violence.

A Survivor


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