The process of recovering and healing from Domestically Violent relationships might include a vast array of therapies and techniques.
However, an immensly effective way of releasing negative emotions is by employing the art of Verbal Ventilation, a healing mechanism used by many survivors to relieve low vibrational negative visceralalities through written and spoken word.
This is especially true if the survivor lacks the efficiency of social supports, or the financial means of procuring the help they may need from professional sources.
It might include the culmination of speaking your feelings and perspectives out loud in safe vestiges, journaling, or even by acting as your own therapist through closed communicatory channels, so as to speed up the healing process while on your recovery journey.
And while there are certainly other methods survivors may use to heal from the devastation of having faced violent circumstances, Verbal Ventilation is a very effective means of relieving distress, in that it acts as a pressure valve release in helping sufferers tunnel negative emotional energy outwards instead of harvesting it internally, which is known to have both acute and chronic affect.
For whether we realize it or we don't, Verbal Ventilation has always been a principle foundation within our first line of healthy emotional release, as revelation of the phenomenon is born in child's play, where young children act and speak out their stimuli as a means of emotional regulation and decongestion.
And while it may seem a primitive or awkward means of depressurization as we age, it has been touted as one of the most effective ways of healing Domestic Violence trauma.
Suffering at the hands of an abuser can be one of the most difficult and keenly distressful phenomena we might ever experience, as the depth of emotional, social, economic, and even corporal harm within these types of relationships prove both exhausting and overwhelming.
The question then becomes, how do we find meaningful ways of dealing with traumatizing experiences without facing the sting of backlash or even adversarial discontents, so that we might procure viable means of healthy stress reduction in aim of healing ourselves at our broken places.
And while some people utilize art, or exercise, affirmative social groups, or even professional therapies as healthy ways of stress reduction, the effectiveness of Verbal Ventilation therapy as a primary means of ejecting negative viscerality is undeniable, as the depth of depression and trauma caused by Socialized Violence are significant contributors of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and even Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD), if the circumstances faced were proven severe enough or spanned long enough.
In fact, some Domestic Violence trauma is so pervasive, sufferers can't even move on with their lives until commencing the process of their healing journey.
Many have lost all they've held near and dear to them at the hands of their abusers, including their families and children, their economic stability and financial freedom, the strength of their support groups and even their autonomy, with some even losing their health and overall well-being in the world.
Such losses have enormous implications in the connection between overall survivorship and the need for survivors to find healthy utilities for dealing with trauma, in effort to acquire the equilibrium necessary to live affirmative lifestyles, in aim of functioning in the world in light of best ambitions.
And for many such survivors, Verbal Ventilation becomes the torch that lights the way for us to catalize such an ambition.
So whether you utilize Verbal Ventilation on your healing journey, or the culmination of plenum from others, know that your well-being should always be a priority over all else, and that you owe it to yourself and to your loved ones to function in the world at your very best.
So be brave in pursuit of your healing with the fervor as if the quality of your life depends on it, because it does... for nothing works when we don't.
- OasisAgainstViolence